Areas of Expertise
- Marketing Strategy & Management
- Digital Marketing
- Event Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Social Media
- Marketing Analytics
- Event Sponorship
I started at NAR on the events team covering a maternity leave for the Event Marketing & Communications Manager. There were already marketing plans established and my role was to execute the marketing plans for the three largest NAR events: REALTORS® Conference & Expo, REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo, and Leadership Week. From January to June 2019, I not only executed the marketing plan but also started to optimize the marketing efforts including determining email could be done in house and an outside vendor wasn’t needed, saving the company a significant amount of money per year, creating internal link in bio pages for the REALTORS® Conference & Expo and REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo pages, helping to drive traffic to their respective websites.
My contract was extended and left open-ended as a marketing consultant so I could continue to help support the event marketing efforts. I was transitioned from the events team to the marketing team, opening up additional opportunities to optimize and restrategize event marketing at NAR. I developed the first strategic social media plan for the REALTORS® Conference & Expo where I used the main objectives and goals of the event to drive the social content calendar. I also focused on the strategy, development, and execution of acquisition emails and implemented segmentation for the REALTORS® Conference & Expo registration emails for the first time. There are 1.4 million members of NAR that were broken into 12 segments and email content was customized per segment. As we got closer to the event, segments were combined into those who were engaged, not engaged, and locals. This provided NAR with new data showing which members are interested in the event. Additionally, I provided in-depth marketing analysis post-event in conjunction with the attendee survey which helped to make decisions on the following year’s event.
I helped to revamp the marketing strategy for the REALTORS® Conference & Expo, which hadn’t been done in several years. When everything shut down for COVID-19, we were 6 weeks away from the in-person REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo (RLMTE) event and I was tasked with coming up with a completely new marketing plan for RLMTE. We had to start the entire registration process over and in a less than 6 week period, the new marketing strategy I created and executed resulted in over 28,000 registrations.
Another project I initiated at NAR was developing a strategic sponsorship proposal for NAR as a whole, looking to position NAR’s property partnerships as one unit and create a branding position for NAR as well. The proposal was given to the VP of Marketing and CMO and was very well received by both leaders. NAR started implementing different aspects of my proposal in 2020. These are just a few of the projects I worked on at NAR.
Social Media Examples
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Welcome to my blog where I share experiences in my work and personal life and the tips and tricks that help me stay balanced and get everything done. Enjoy!
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