Mollye Peters
How I Use My Bullet Journal to Stay Organized
It’s been 4 years since I started using my bullet journal and I won’t go back to a regular planner. For those of you who are unfamiliar with bullet journaling, the best way to learn about one is to go directly to the source: Ryder Carroll. My short explanation as a bullet journal user is…
Before & After: Bathroom Remodel After 25+ Years
What do you do when your sister is getting married, staying with you for 2 weeks before the wedding, and there’s only 1 shower for 6 people? You bite the bullet and fix your broken shower! Up until a few months ago, our bathtub wasn’t in working condition. When I was about 5 years old,…
10 Inspirational Quotes from Women in Sports
In honor of Women’s History Month, I wanted to share some inspirational quotes from women in sports. As some of these quotes suggest, throughout history, many people have stepped up to pave the way for the opportunities women have today. When Pierre de Coubertin started the modern Olympic Movement in 1894, women were not allowed to participate…
How to Discover Your Brand Pillars & Define Your Career Offerings
After finishing my Master’s in Sports Administration from Northwestern University, I wanted to redefine my work and educational experiences to combine all of the things that motivate me and my career. Why, you may ask, would I want to do this? A lot of people are confused by my career path and don’t know what…
Lean In & the NBA #LeanInTogether
I recently read Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg for my leadership class and started looking at women’s issues in a new light. I love what Lean In represents for both men and women, equality between the genders and breaking stereotypes between the genders. Watching the NBA playoffs, I came across this commercial for Lean In…
Hey There, I'm Mollye!

Welcome to my blog where I share experiences in my work and personal life and the tips and tricks that help me stay balanced and get everything done. Enjoy!