Welcome to my portfolio!

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My portfolio contains several examples of projects I have previously worked on throughout my career and education. I have worked on business plans, PowerPoint presentations, marketing campaigns, reports, and more. Some of the material will be altered to maintain the integrity and privacy of information for the organizations that I have worked for.

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to send me a message through my contact page.
Marketing Strategy

These projects are all related to my marketing experience including social media, email, digital marketing, sports marketing, event marketing, marketing strategy, marketing research and analytics, and more.

Branding & Design

These are all of the projects where I used graphic design to update branding, create marketing materials or websites. This section also includes projects specifically related to brand marketing, mostly brand analysis and rebranding.

Chicago Rush Arena Football_MBP_765x1280

About My Career

My career path has been nothing but a roller coaster. I graduated from Butler University with degrees in French, International Business, and Marketing. I worked on-campus jobs, completed three internships in sports, studied abroad, and worked on many business projects.

After graduating, I turned to contract and freelance work so I could learn as much about business and marketing as possible. It also allowed me to pursue my dream career of working in sports. I worked in several industries including professional and minor league sports, commercial real estate, film production, consumer products, B2B services, healthcare, and more. I learned graphic design, HTML, multiple email platforms, project management, and many other skills as a freelancer.

I ended up back at school while working freelance jobs and completed my Master's in Sports Administration from Northwestern University. The MSA program allowed me to grow my sports business and marketing passion even more. My most valuable takeaways from Northwestern were getting to learn sports marketing from some of the best in the industry and the connections I made with my brilliant professors and classmates. This program truly solidified my career goal to work in sports marketing.

It has been an incredible ride! With everything I have experienced along this journey, I wanted to showcase some of my work and paint a better picture of what I bring to the table, no matter the industry. Dive into my career experiences below.


Jackie Gibson - Vice President of Marketing, Brand, and Communications - The Cradle

Jackie Gibson

Vice President of Marketing, Brand, and Communications - The Cradle

Mollye is that marketing professional you’ve been hoping existed. The Cradle hired Mollye as a consultant with the idea of having someone who could keep the lights on with our marketing program while we hired a new team. Leadership quickly realized we had contracted someone who was capable well beyond our expectations.

Mollye’s productivity is unmatched—it really is amazing how much she accomplishes in one day, mistake-free and with a positive attitude. Not only did she take over multiple social media accounts and e-newsletters and a convoluted web CMS, she went so far as to craft messaging guides, market research, department request forms, and content calendars that propelled the department forward before a department lead (me) was even hired. Her drama-free approach made my onboarding easy. I’ve never had to worry if she had things handled—projects are always on time and she anticipates future issues.

If you need someone to put your whole company on point with best practices; if you need someone who can dig into really complex technical projects; if you need someone results-oriented who can think big, analyze data, and strategize revenue-generating opportunities, do not sleep on this one! She has won over our entire staff with her great ideas, follow-through, and wizard-like digital skills. She’s ready for the big stuff.

Idy Uyoe Testimonial

Idy Uyoe

Former Classmate & Colleague - Northwestern University | IdySports

I have had the privilege of working with Mollye on four different projects, and I can say unequivocally, she is a dedicated leader with the ability to achieve results. Additionally, Mollye is one of the smartest people I know, and her keen sense of marketing and finance would make her an asset to any organization. I highly recommend Mollye on the basis of her sound judgement, competence and ability to get things done, and on schedule.

Emily McGlawn

Emily McGlawn

Email Marketing Manager - National Association of REALTORS

I have worked closely with Mollye during her time at NAR. She has been an absolute delight to work with. She's sharp, she's forward-thinking, and she has brought our event marketing & analytics to this decade. She has helped save NAR a significant amount of money, and we have drastically improved our emails during our projects together. I hope that someday we can work together again!

Melinda Vajdic Testimonial

Melinda Vajdic

Writer, Former Co-Worker - interimCEO, Inc.

Mollye is whip-smart, collaborative, and creative. We worked together for 9 months, and I am convinced she has social media and marketing in her DNA.

Lauren Grisafi Testimonial

Lauren Catullo (Grisafi)

Former Co-Worker - Chicago Bulls & Chicago Blackhawks

I had the pleasure of getting to know Mollye when we were colleagues at the Chicago Bulls. Mollye constantly strives to go above and beyond personal and team goals that are set every evening. She is a great communicator and I believe this is the main reason she constantly beats the goals that are set. She works hard and has a strong sense of determination to go above and beyond what is required. On a personal level, she is always willing to lend assistance to fans and to her co-workers when called upon. Mollye would make a great addition to any organization and would thrive in any setting.

Fred Yaniga Testimonial

Fred Yaniga

Former Supervisor - Butler University Modern Language Center

Mollye worked in a leadership role for me spearheading several specific projects with great success. She completed difficult tasks on schedule, with great creativity and also with a very high rate of success. Measured with her predecessors, her peers and her successors, Mollye’s work was outstanding. She is innovative, knowledgeable, energetic, dependable and highly enjoyable to work with.

Pete Xander Testimonial

Pete Xander

Former Co-Worker - Butler University Athletics

Mollye did a great job of adjusting on the fly and always had a positive attitude. Mollye is very talented and has the confidence needed to utilize her skills to their fullest.

Gregory Osland Testimonial

Gregory Osland

Former Professor & Advisor - Butler University Lacy School of Business

Mollye is an energetic, responsible person, who demonstrated many positive qualities as a successful student at Butler University. She loves to learn, and is willing to take risks to accomplish her goals. I enjoyed having Mollye as an advisee and a student, and recommend her highly.

Bela Florenthal Testimonial

Bela Florenthal

Former Professor - Butler University Lacy School of Business

Mollye Peters was my student in two marketing courses at Butler University. She was a hard working student, very attentive, and always contributed to class discussions. I enjoyed having Mollye Peters in my classes. I know she will be successful at any job she takes.

Jenn Lisak Testimonial

Jenn Lisak

Former Classmate - Butler University Lacy School of Business

Throughout my time at Butler, I had multiple classes with Mollye, and as a result, also worked with her on team projects. She is a very motivated woman who is capable of finding a solution to a problem. She was very diligent, and I enjoyed working with her as a colleague. I have no doubt that she can overcome any challenges that a company throws at her.