These projects are all related to my marketing experience including social media, email, digital marketing, sports marketing, event marketing, marketing strategy, marketing research and analytics, and more.
These are all of my projects from graduate school and undergrad as well as my work experience in the sports industry. My main focus is in sports marketing and sponsorship.
These projects are all related to my event marketing experience including sporting events, conferences, and trade shows.
These are all of the projects where I used graphic design to update branding, create marketing materials or websites. This section also includes projects specifically related to brand marketing, mostly brand analysis and rebranding.
These following projects all relate to customer relations experience in my career. This includes everything from ticket sales, event marketing, digital marketing & communications, sponsorship activation, and customer service.
These are my projects that all relate to international business and marketing. They include projects from graduate school on international sports marketing and international sports to developing international marketing plans in undergrad.

About My Career
My career path has been nothing but a roller coaster. I graduated from Butler University with degrees in French, International Business, and Marketing. I worked on-campus jobs, completed three internships in sports, studied abroad, and worked on many business projects.
After graduating, I turned to contract and freelance work so I could learn as much about business and marketing as possible. It also allowed me to pursue my dream career of working in sports. I worked in several industries including professional and minor league sports, commercial real estate, film production, consumer products, B2B services, healthcare, and more. I learned graphic design, HTML, multiple email platforms, project management, and many other skills as a freelancer.
I ended up back at school while working freelance jobs and completed my Master's in Sports Administration from Northwestern University. The MSA program allowed me to grow my sports business and marketing passion even more. My most valuable takeaways from Northwestern were getting to learn sports marketing from some of the best in the industry and the connections I made with my brilliant professors and classmates. This program truly solidified my career goal to work in sports marketing.
It has been an incredible ride! With everything I have experienced along this journey, I wanted to showcase some of my work and paint a better picture of what I bring to the table, no matter the industry. Dive into my career experiences below.